Join The Registry
All post-transplant pregnancy outcomes are important to us. We look forward to hearing about your post-transplant pregnancy. Learn More

Registry Stories
We continue to answer new questions about post-transplant parenthood. Some of our participants volunteer to share their post-transplant pregnancy stories with others. Learn More

Meet Our Team
Our research team includes physicians, nurses experienced in transplant patient care, trained interviewers with varied medical backgrounds and database coordinators. Learn More

In Memoriam
We honor the founding principal investigator of the National Transplant Pregnancy Registry (NTPR), Vincent T. Armenti, MD, PhD (1952-2014) by continuing his vision. For over 23 years, Dr. Armenti’s guidance and leadership allowed the NTPR to flourish and provide countless transplant recipients with scientific information on which to base their family planning decisions. He was a gifted transplant surgeon, medical researcher, educator, and musician. We are also deeply saddened by the loss of our dear colleague and friend, Dawn P. Armenti (1956-2018). She was a devoted wife, mother, and friend. Dawn was an integral member of the TPR team serving as the data coordinator since 1995. Her unassuming leadership and guidance was invaluable to the TPR. Dr. and Mrs. Armenti are truly missed by all who knew them.
Thank You Participants, Transplant Centers and Supporters
We thank the more than 3,000 recipients and 200 transplant centers who have participated in the study to date. The success of the study is due in large part to the willingness of the transplant community to help by sharing medical information and their stories with the us. We also appreciate the financial support of past and current funding sponsors.